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What’s on at Heat On Electrical?
Heat On Electrical • Aug 25, 2020

This year has proved to be busy times at Heat On once again. With the obvious challenges we have all been facing throughout this year, it’s presented us with new ways to adapt and keep serving our customers. So here are some of the positive things that have been happening behind the scenes:

Another van Joins the fleet

Late last year saw us add another van to our well equipped fleet. With our workload and customer base expanding it was the perfect time to add another vehicle on the road.

Continued Taylor bridge bull sharks rugby club sponsorship

We are proud to announce that this year we have continued our support and sponsorship of the taylor bridge bull sharks / UQ juniors rugby club in Graceville. We are been sponsoring this great club for a number of years now and very much enjoy our involvement with them. The club has created such a friendly and welcoming environment for all families, and run a great program for the kids. Although this year has been difficult to get the kids on the field, we wish them all of the best for the re-started season.

Another member to the team

Earlier this year saw another member join our team. We were happy to welcome first year apprentice Gerald to the team at Heat On. Gerald is keen and hardworking, and has made a seamless transition into our team. It’s always exciting watching young men begin their journey, and we see a bright future for this kid!

Heat on join simpro…? 

We are always looking for ways to improve, run efficiently and to utilise the best tools and software. It was only fitting that we have now implemented simpro software for our day to day work. This allows us to efficiently track, schedule, manage, automate all of our jobs and so much more. We believe to be the best you need to use the best tools and software that is on offer, and are pleased with the benefits that this has presented so far. 

A new project manager

With our workload expanding every year, the timing was right to appoint a full time project manager. Luckily enough we had the perfect staff member, Rich, in the team already. Rich has been with us since 2017 and has shown rapid growth in that time. His customer communication, organisation and work ethic have been a real asset to the busy role. His incorporation of new systems and programs have also brought a fresh approach, helping our customers projects run as smoothly as possible. 

Heat on Joins NECA

This year we are proud to announce we have joined NECA – National electrical and communications accociation. Neca is the peak industry body representing the interests of the electrical and communications contracting industry across Australia, with roughly 5000 members across the country. The safety systems and information on offer is a huge help to any electrician. This, along with our gold Masters electricians membership allows us to be up to date with all changes and info in the electrical industry.

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A lot of us in Queensland rely heavily on our air conditioners, but a common mistake is to not look after them correctly or apply proper maintenance. This is where regular air conditioner cleans are important. A typical clean will involve the following: Power is shut off to the air conditioner and all electrical components are sealed and taped up to avoid being wet. A ‘sleeve’ or large bib is placed under the unit to collect all water and solution that will be used. The air conditioner is then sprayed down under high pressure using a cleaning solution to remove all dirt and to kill off any mould. All filters are also properly cleaned. The air conditioner will be tested on completion to ensure it’s all running smoothly again. All of this can usually be achieved in under an hour. So what are the benefits that are seen after cleans? The main and most obvious is removing dirt, mould, grime, mites and other harmful substances which will inevitably build up over years of use. These can pose a serious risk to people with allergies and asthma. The health risks presented by mould can be extremely serious, so eliminating it as soon as any build up is present is paramount. By removing these you are instantly improving the air quality that is flowing throughout your home, and reducing the risks of breathing in anything else harmful. The performance of your air conditioner will also be improved, as it is not struggling to push air through clogged components and filters. This means better heating or cooling, less power usage and in turn saving on your electricity bills. Another positive is also extending the life of your air conditioners, as they are running a lot more efficiently. For such a simple, no mess process, you will be ensuring your air conditioners are running cleanly and as efficiently as possible.
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