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What is Thermal Imaging?
Jul 31, 2023

Otherwise known as thermography, Thermal Imaging uses a sophisticated electrical thermal imaging camera to calculate the infrared radiation (heat) an object gives off.

This data is then used to compose images of these objects, even in low-light environments. Emitted energy, known as ‘heat signature,’ is then transformed into a distinctive colour gradient that portrays temperature variation accurate to one-tenth of a degree. In these greyscale images, white equals heat, black equals cold, and the greys show temp gradients between the extremes. Some cutting-edge models include colour. 

A virtually undetectable tool, you want Thermal Imaging on your side to expose problems, keep your workplace assets safe and save on spendy repairs. Rest assured, knowing your building inhabitants are safe and sound. For an office building, a Thermal Imaging scan is recommended every 2-3 years. Manufacturing sites experience a high-power drain on electrical systems, requiring a more frequent scan each year. 

An electrical infrared inspection can prolong electrical failure and find overheated parts in electrical devices and switchboards. Detect hot spots caused by loose electrical connections, unstable loads, overloading on electrical circuits and various unwanted issues. Thermography scanning of the switchboard is a highly effective means of mitigation. 

At Heat On Electrical, we use FLIR thermal cameras to carry out all thermal imaging. FLIR are one of the market leaders when it comes to all things thermal imaging, and using their products ensures we can carry out all imaging to the highest quality. 


Reduced Downtime

t’s only a matter of time until equipment lets you down. Thermal Imaging is non-contact and non-invasive tech, so everything keeps on keeping on while inspections are happening; productivity, profitability and workplace safety are intact. Planning for zero or nominal downtime is a no-brainer.


As temperature variations are measured, areas in need of repair come to light. When you’re not on top of problem areas, you can eliminate costly excess maintenance.

Lost Production

Getting ahead of problems diminishes outages. The gap lies in the productivity that can continue if you identify equipment issues before they fail. TI scans ultimately let people keep doing what they need to do.

Get ahead

Lessening the risk of faults through thermal imaging electrical testing keeps expensive equipment safe and saves money. No one wants to hear the words ‘you need a new one’ out of the blue. Thermal Imaging is a form of active maintenance that lessens costly and vital equipment replacement.

Expose Hot Spots

Because these spots emit more heat, they can’t hide from Thermal Imaging. The result of lousy airflow, loose or damaged wiring, component failure or overloading – find these spots before they become a problem.

Long Term Repair

Thermal Imaging is an active management strategy, as opposed to dealing with issues when they arise. Because you’re maintaining as you go, there’s no scrambling for parts, supplies or labour when things go wrong. Frequent, planned repair is better than breakdown cost

Insurance Issues

Having the precaution of Thermal Imaging in place means your insurance company can be confident you’re less of a liability. It’s a fact – these scans keep the cost of insurance claims down, and some insurers even mandate these scans.


Knowing you’re regularly monitoring for any problems means less OH&S risk. Thermal Imaging prevents equipment failure, fire risk and harm to occupants. Early detection of hot components helps avoid the development of unbalanced or overloaded circuits. It also lessens the risk of melting or sparking cables which are fire hazards.

Fast and Reliable

Thermal Imaging surveys are fast, and they calculate the surface temp distribution of electrical and mechanical equipment under normal load conditions. No need for any time-draining prep work.

Heat On Electrical can assist with any thermal imaging in your workplace or home. We provide a highly detailed thermographic report, which will document points of high energy wastage and potentially dangerous heat transfer.

We adhere to the Australian safety standard and our thermal image reports contain clear recommendations on the action that may be required.

Get in contact with us today to see the benefits of thermal imaging.

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